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Years ago, I was asked to do an extended family session with 18 people. I was a little nervous, but have to admit, after doing the session, I loved it! To feel and see so much love in one place, with so many family members, was such a great experience! Over the years, I’ve had […]

Come Together | Extended Family Session | Stockton, Ca. Family Photographer


ALP 2021 6 scaled

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For me, as someone who is always after perfect light and everything that makes my heart sing, these sessions were all that I wanted for my clients and for myself.

Carmel Beach Sessions


ALP 2020 29 scaled

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Don’t know what freelensing is? While holding your camera body, you detach the lens (I’ve read in numerous places that a 50mm works great for this) and hold it close to the mount. By turning the lens in different directions, you can achieve some truly unique images.

3 Tips to Finding Beauty in Freelensing Photography


ALP 2021 13 1 scaled