mini sessions
for photographers
outsource your editing
editing tips
Too often, when we think of mini sessions that we plan, we want to add all the props. Then, instead of making the session about the children or the family, we make it about the props we are using. We spend too much time thinking about the props and money purchasing the props, that we neglect how we’re going to connect with the most important part of our session, the people.
I learned pretty quickly that most clients – including children, families, and seniors want and need help on what to wear before their photo sessions. This is so important because educating clients on what DOES look good and what DOESN’T look good will REALLY HELP everything come together for beautiful finished photos!Here are 7 steps to coordinating outfits for a family photoshoot.
I need to share these thoughts and actions with you. Why? Because you’re going to understand. Only fellow photographers will understand the depth of my guilt and the ways in which I’ve been wrong. I only ask this of you-don’t judge me. At some point, you have either done one of these or you will […]
Don’t know what freelensing is? While holding your camera body, you detach the lens (I’ve read in numerous places that a 50mm works great for this) and hold it close to the mount. By turning the lens in different directions, you can achieve some truly unique images.