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outsource your editing

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The door to becoming a private photo editor opened up to me and then it clicked. This is what I needed to be doing. The truth is, I truly love love. I love going through an entire day’s worth of images and feeling like I was actually there. I love taking what someone else captured and helping those images come to life. Editing sparked something inside of me that I desperately needed.  Hope.

Hi! I’m Amy Leigh, a Private Photo Editor

For Photographers

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While the idea of outsourcing your edits may give you anxiety, I promise that won’t be the case when you decide to trust me with your edits! I’ve been exactly where you are and felt overwhelmed at the idea, so I’ve made sure to make every step of this process easy and quick. And if you do get stuck, I’m here to help you. Read on to find out how outsourcing your edits will literally save you hundreds of hours over the course of the year and give you time to spend doing all of the things you’ve been putting off!

4 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Editing

Outsource Your Editing

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Whenever I book a family session, I’m always happy, especially when I get to do an extended family session! I’ve done so many of these over the years, but this latest session was one of my favorites. THE PERFECT VENUE FOR FAMILY SESSIONS We were able to meet up out at Jessie’s Grove, a local […]

Family Session | Lodi, Ca. Family Photographer


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Our time spent during these family portraits was special. Their third and final son, Fitz (which I jokingly say they named after me because Fitz is my maiden last name!) finally joined their family. I’ve come to love taking extra photos of parents with their babies during their session because I know that someday they’re going to wish they had more of these types of images.

Family Portraits | Lodi, Ca. Family Photographer
